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The idea of Telangana (1948-1970)

  • geographical, cultural, socio, political and economic features- people of Telagangana
  • Castes, tribes, religion, arts, crafts, languages, dialects, fairs, festivals and important places in Telangana.
  • Administration in Hyderabad Princely State and Administrative Reforms of Salar Jung
  • Origins of the issue of Mulkis-Non-Mulkis; Employment and Civil Services Rules under Mir Osman Ali Khan,
  • VII Nizam’s Farman of 1919 and Definition of Mulki – Establishment of Nizam’s Subjects League known as the Mulki League 1935 and its Significance
  • Hyderabad State in Independent India- Formation of Popular Ministry under Burgula Ramakrishna Rao
  • 1952 Mulki-Agitation
  • Demand for Employment of Local people and City College IncidentIts importance. Justice Jagan Mohan Reddy Committee Report, 1953 – Initial debates and demand for Telangana State
  • SRC
  • Formation of Andhra Pradesh, 1956: Gentlemen’s Agreement
  • Telangana Regional Committee
  • Violation of Safeguards
  • Migration from Coastal Andhra Region and its Consequences-Post-1970 development Scenario in Telangana-Agriculture, Irrigation, Power, Education, Employment, Medical and Health etc.
  • Violation of Employment and Service Rules: Origins of Telangana Agitation
  • Protest in Kothagudem and other places, Fast unto Death by Ravindranath; 1969 Agitation for Separate Telangana.
  • Role of Intellectuals
  • Students Employees in Jai Telangana Movement
  • Formation of Telangana Praja Samithi and Course of Movement
  • The Spread of Telangana Movement- Major Events,
  • Leaders and Personalities
  • All Party Accord – Go 36
  • Suppression of Telangana Movement and its Consequences
  • The Eight Point and Five-Point Formulas-Implications.

Demand for Employment of Local people and City College IncidentIts importance. Justice Jagan Mohan Reddy Committee Report, 1953 – Initial debates and demand for Telangana State

  • Telengana Movement And State Formation
  • Demand for Employment of Local people and City College IncidentIts importance. Justice Jagan Mohan Reddy Committee Report, 1953 – Initial debates and demand for Telangana State
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