geographical, cultural, socio, political and economic features- people of Telagangana
Castes, tribes, religion, arts, crafts, languages, dialects, fairs, festivals and important places in Telangana.
Administration in Hyderabad Princely State and Administrative Reforms of Salar Jung
Origins of the issue of Mulkis-Non-Mulkis; Employment and Civil Services Rules under Mir Osman Ali Khan,
VII Nizam’s Farman of 1919 and Definition of Mulki – Establishment of Nizam’s Subjects League known as the Mulki League 1935 and its Significance
Hyderabad State in Independent India- Formation of Popular Ministry under Burgula Ramakrishna Rao
1952 Mulki-Agitation
Demand for Employment of Local people and City College IncidentIts importance. Justice Jagan Mohan Reddy Committee Report, 1953 – Initial debates and demand for Telangana State
Formation of Andhra Pradesh, 1956: Gentlemen’s Agreement
Telangana Regional Committee
Violation of Safeguards
Migration from Coastal Andhra Region and its Consequences-Post-1970 development Scenario in Telangana-Agriculture, Irrigation, Power, Education, Employment, Medical and Health etc.
Violation of Employment and Service Rules: Origins of Telangana Agitation
Protest in Kothagudem and other places, Fast unto Death by Ravindranath; 1969 Agitation for Separate Telangana.
Role of Intellectuals
Students Employees in Jai Telangana Movement
Formation of Telangana Praja Samithi and Course of Movement
The Spread of Telangana Movement- Major Events,
Leaders and Personalities
All Party Accord – Go 36
Suppression of Telangana Movement and its Consequences
The Eight Point and Five-Point Formulas-Implications.
Protest in Kothagudem and other places, Fast unto Death by Ravindranath; 1969 Agitation for Separate Telangana.